The trust was set up with an aim to bring about a paradigm shift in the way health care is delivered in South Gujarat region (Major tribal region). A mission to assimilate the finest in medical and surgical talent and technique, to bring them closer to the common man, poor and underprivileged. It was nurtured in the heart of the founders, who laid the foundation of this project back in 2010. A few motivated professional formed the core of the team. Detailed plans are formulated to construct tertiary care hospital. The main goal is to blend technology with human skills and ingenuity by providing state of the art equipment, assembling a team of talented and committed professionals and creating an atmosphere comparable to what exists in foreign countries to dispense quality health care to poor and underprivileged at no cost.
Between years 2010 to September 2015, a period during the project grew. The most significant and heartening aspect is that enormous variety of valuable work carried out. None of the activities would have been possible without the personal commitment and willingness of team members. They give unstintingly of their time, their energy and their skill to support the work towards this project.
The founders have a dream to set up not for profit institution providing free or subsidized quality healthcare to the needy and the underprivileged and a preferred destination for tertiary care.
It is beyond the ability of region’s public and private health care providers to cope with need with current infrastructure. Provision of essential health care facility to the ailing poor is the need of the hour.
The concept of full time consultants, which is new to the area, is intended to be introduced against odds, while maintaining the pluralistic pattern of hospital-based, visiting and part-time consultants. The principle that all payments to consultants should be through the hospital would also be laid down.
Realizing the need for close supervision, we would constitute a Board of management consisting, executive committee to oversee the management of the Hospital. An organizational set-up with a chairman chief executive officer at the head and functional directors under him/her will be created thus introducing the concept of professional management in tune with modern trends.
This adventure, which commenced back in 2010, shall move forward with greater determination and momentum, while keeping the identified philosophy and goals in view. The quest for excellence will be never-ending for this "Temple of Modern Health Care".
The trust is committed to providing free of cost world-class health care services to all sections of the society. We are also looking forward to setting up a world-class, multispecialty hospital. It is designed to offer health care, educational and research opportunities comparable to the best in the world and will aim at transforming the higher education landscape of India.
This project is the manifestation of a big dream to inspire and facilitate transformative change and build an inclusive India that pays utmost attention to the health of its citizens of all sections of the society.
We are delighted that in a little over five years, we commenced our journey for this project. We are excited about the prospect of the larger role this institute will play – in the creation and dissemination of knowledge.
The trust believes that a nation's economic transformation and social well-being are driven by its people; their productivity, participation, emancipation, knowledge and above all, their aspirations.
The trust looks forward to achieving this dream by making Prish Foundation initiatives a movement; with steadfast focus, inimitable passion.